hi, I think that women are less powerful than men in lots of ways because of the stupid history and we are all going to change that. it's not going to be an easy process but we can do it go and tell a man what you think of them and be rude be you and draw stars and hearts on your hands to show support also, share this image and put it like your profile pic peace out queen.
mod edit: changed title for clarity
@Luchysofy26 at this very moment I believe women are more powerful than men. we've already showed them all who we are and what we could be. We just need to take more action. there are many times in the past where women have showed their power Harriet tubman, Joan of Arc,Rosa parks. And men they have history to live up to nowadays we are doing better because we are making history.
Also there is no pic ??
But thank you for this message.