Name your most happiest moment or memory of your childhood.
My happiest memory is going to see a band called the Haygoods with a couple of friends and getting something for my mom afterwards.
@braidenchapman, living on my grandparents' dairy farm, life was at its best for me at that time... I loved going to the barn every morning, hoeing behind the cows (cleaning behind them)... Throwing hay down the hay chute for them... It was a very happy time for me in my life... I didn't know what it was to struggle or face very hard times at that moment in my life... That all started when we moved off the farm and started living a city life... Farming is very hard work, but it is also very rewarding as well... Only farmers will ever understand that statement...
Take care and GOD bless...
I live on a farm also I know how it feels. It feels amazing.