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Has anyone inspired you


Has any one inspired you for many reasons or specific things, I was inspired by MOHLovesAlaska and it really dug deep.


God bless all of your souls

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3 Replies

@Sadteen thank you friend for such kind words...And to answer you're question @Sadteen I have been inspired by many in my life...But I will name a few that have been a huge inspiration for me in my life...To name the very first is of course my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ...It is not popular to say that today and in some countries it would even cost you your life to confess that...But GOD has saved me from suicide, and several other times in my life from a certain death...Then of course my mom, she has been through a living hell in her life but she has always held her head up and kept everything including our family together...I would then have to mention my very good friend and mentor Howard Collar (who is no longer with us) he taught me most of all that I know about logging and felling trees...He logged well into his seventies until cancer crept in and took him...My two uncles on my mom's side Eddie and Jr. are real blessings to have as uncles, when growing up on my grandparents' dairy farm we three shared a bedroom that was filled with laughs and lots of unwanted smelly air (if you get my meaning) lol...My Granddad my mom's dad, he worked from sunup until sundown seven days a week, and even past sundown many times...His work ethic has greatly inspired me...Then I would have to mention my Drill Seargents when I was in Army Basic Training, Drill Seargent Holiday, Drill Seargent Uribe, Drill Seargent Thompson, Drill Seargent Miller, and Drill Seargent Ward...They taught me a lot by going above and beyond one's capabilities...Last I would have to mention the Bible (KJV) also inspires me to try and be a better person and more tolerant as well as forgiving...

Have a blessed night...Take care and GOD bless...



I'm happy to hear that you are a very kind person and Christ has also inspired me and stopped me from suicide as well, thank you God bless us all

Not applicable

Donovan and Dio are such inspiring amazing bands that I listen to 24/7. Plus the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure character Dio is freaking hot too. ❤️