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I found a long lost friends profile

  • Is there a way to send them a message to say who I am ? 
8 Replies

Good Monday afternoon @Necromanr, at the top right of the screen you will see your user name icon, click on that, you will then see my settings, click on my settings, you will then see my preferences, click on that, on the second line below preferences you will see other options to the right you will see private messenger click on that, you will then see your settings for that make sure there is a checkmark in the box that says turn on private messages, below that you will also see Receive e-mail notifications make sure there is a checkmark in that box as well, if not click on it. Then once you have done all of that click on the envelope icon next to your user name icon. Once you click on that you will then see a small blue box with a pencil in it click on that, you then just have to put your friends' user name in the box and send them your message, to send a message by a shortcut, just click on their name and you can send a private message from there as well. Have a great Monday, take care, and stay safe. 



It's not working for me ...oh well

@haildeath666 is who I'm looking  for 

Not applicable

@Necromanr = necromancer ????

cause if so that's epic 

@Necromanr I'm sorry to hear that you were not able to reach out. I am also sorry that I forgot to mention, even if you have your settings set to send as well as receive private messages, they also must have their settings set up as well, at least set up to receive private messages. I forgot to include that very important detail. There is another way you can try to get their attention. If you have found their user name in a post all you need to do is click on the reply box under their post, you can highlight their name by hitting the @ key and a small box will appear, start typing their user name very slowly until you see it appear in that small box, once you see it click on and it will be highlighted just like this (@Necromanr ) once it is highlighted they will get a notification that someone has mentioned them in a post (if they have their notifications turned on to receive notifications) the only way you will know is if they happen to respond (obviously). I hope you will be able to reach out to your friend. Take care and stay safe. 

0 Kudos


Thank you, I haven't seen him in 10 years we both moved and lost touch . I'll keep trying thank you 


Yeah. I meant to put in a c, and the page just saved as is... I'm a funeral director I love the deads.  


@haildeath666 if this tags you reply on here !!!

0 Kudos

Good Thursday evening to you, I'm sorry to say, but that will not tag your friend. If I may make another suggestion that could get your friends' attention. Create another post, and have your friend's user name in the title of the post. Once they come back into the community it will be there for them to see. Every so often you may have to make a reply in the post so it stays near the top of the page and not hidden. 

I wish you the best in finding your friend. Take care and stay safe. 

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