If you do, please check out my artist page.
I'm trying to find "like" artists as well to create playlists of music with. open for suggestions.
mod edit: changed title for clarity
@dalomonze I just listened to "Father Figure", I really liked the lyrics to your song. I will add this to GSOTD (Genre Songs Of The Day) post and playlist for tomorrow's post. I will also make mention of you for the song as well. Take care and stay safe.
Oh.. my... God 😳! Your so awesome! I really really appreciate it so much! I just recently re-released a song that’s really dear to my heart “Broken Vessels”. If you could find a place for that song or any I would be honored! Last years releases were
•On A Sunday (gospel/upbeat/ hip hop)
•Beg (inspirational RnB/conscious)
•Run (Soundtrack/Christian Rap/Sports driven)
thank you so much again!
@dalomonze your welcome, and I will also add "Broken Vessels" to tomorrows' post and playlist. And thank you for your appreciation. I'm happy to do it. And just so you know I do not have anything to do with sports, I lost my family because of the love I had for it, so any music that is affiliated with sports I will just simply ignore. I do not mean to sound rude or harsh, but that is where I stand. For Wednesday I will add "On A Sunday" and "Beg". I wish you the very best in your music career. You take care and stay safe.
P.S Any time I add your music I will make mention of you as well. I do this for "ALL" who make request, artists or non artists. Be safe.
That’s completely understandable. I hope as we continue to keep in touch I get opportunity to hear your story. It sounds intriguing to have sports related to losing your family, I pray that situation has emotionally healed as best as it could’ve given whatever it was.
@dalomonze to be honest it is just a simple truth that holds true in all aspects of life. Anytime one has given their heart (love) to something more then their loved ones, you will lose everytime. I gave my heart to something that never gives love in return. Instead of giving my ex-wife and children my love, my un-divided attention, I gave it all to sports all year round. The same holds true in all things, marriages end for many reasons as you know. Some end because one loves alchol more, some end because they love work more, or because they love to gamble, or addiction to adult web-sites. You can love something so much, that it takes place of what matters most. Before you even realize to what has happened you are already standing "ALONE". And if it weren't for GOD helping me find HIM I would not just be alone, I would be no longer. I hope this explains it in more detail. Take care and stay safe.
Your testimony warms my heart. It’s such a original direction for the same lesson of addiction and lessons of prioritizing your time with the most important things instead of being distracted by the joys of this world that are temporary
@dalomonze I forgot to mention, I already added three of your songs to the GSOTD post and playlist. If you want more of your songs added all you have to do is make your request here or at the GSOTD (clean) post. When you do please tag me so I know you made a request, if you don't tag me I won't know you made a request. If you're not sure how to tag, all you have to do is hit your shift key, and your @ key, once you do that you will see a small box appear, all you need to do then is just start typing my user name until you see it appear in that small box, then click on my name and it will be highlighted just as your name is highlighted at the top. That will inform me someone has mentioned my name in a post. So when I click on the notification it will show me who it was that notified me. Take care and stay safe.
@MOHLovesAlaska @Thank you so much! I got the message showing the add and your email. I’ll stay subscribed to more of your posts as well.
@dalomonze to be honest with you, I think the only post that would be of any interest to you as a music artist, would be GSOTD (clean) and perhaps This Day In The History Of Music, any post beyond these two is just me dancing with my fingers on the keyboard. Take care and stay safe.