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Introduce Yourself


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Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!


We'd also like to take this time to hear from you! Share a picture of yourself below (if you feel comfortable doing so) and add the following so we have a better understanding of who you are:


  • Name?
  • Where you're from?
  • What your favorite genre of music is?
  • What you're currently listening to?
  • A favorite feature of the Pandora service?


We hope to hear from many of you and hope that your Pandora Community experience is a memorable one. 🎧

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1,466 Replies

Opening Act
hi good

Chart Topper

@Erila27th12 @HillbillyHoot @Emiles699 

Hi y'all! I hope we'll see you around the community commenting on some of the other posts here. It's a small community but hopefully growing.

@Erila27th12 you are not at all ugly, and whoever says you are just completely ignore the meanness they are trying to tear you down with. Never allow the negative of others determine who you are not. I truly do wish you the very best in all that you do. 

Take care @Erila27th12 and stay safe. 


@Erila27th12 of course I really think so. You just need to start believing you are. 

Have a great night @Erila27th12 take care and stay safe. 


Chart Topper

@Erila27th12 I agree with @MOHLovesAlaska , you are not ugly. I've got a 13 yr old biracial great-niece who always asks me if she's ugly. I think she's beautiful and I tell her that. I think you're a beautiful person as well. Everyone needs to hear that from time to time.

Also, parmic7555 doesn't usually comment but he's good about giving likes in the community

  • Name: Allen
  • Where you're from: Nashville
  • What your favorite genre of music is: I listen to a little bit of everything. 
  • What you're currently listening to: Cody Johnson/Whiskey Meyers
  • A favorite feature of the Pandora service: that I can listen to my music anywhere.Allen Utah.jpg

Chart Topper

@SteelCowboy Hello Allen and welcome to the community. I hope we'll see more of you around the community commenting on some of the other posts here. My youngest sister used to live in Mt Juliette just outside of Nashville. Anyway, thanks for sharing and I hope we'll see you around soon. Peace! ✌️


Thanks. I'm actually in Old Hickory, so I know exactly where that is. 

Best Wishes.

Chart Topper

@Erila27th12 I'm fine today. Jada wasn't feeling well this morning (her allergies) but she went to school. 

Chart Topper

@Erila27th12 Jada is in the 7th grade. She just recently turned 13. Thank you. I think Jada is a pretty name too. She's absolutely precious to me.

Opening Act

im good hyd


Opening Act

i get called names for having a mullet thats part blue, should i cut it?  p.s. this pictures a little old because my hair isnt as blue anymoreIMG_20220419_144738.jpgIMG_20220419_144735.jpgIMG_20220419_144534.jpg


Chart Topper

@HillbillyHoot Hey I think you're hair looks fine. More importantly, you and you alone should decide what your hair looks like. If negative people make fun of it just ignore them. I actually feel sorry for people who make fun of others. I believe THEY are the ones with real problems. Life is short. Be yourself and don't worry what others think. Peace! ✌️

Opening Act

thx unclebud



Blues...Outlaw County.. classic rock ..folk

Chart Topper

@Poncho1 Hello and welcome to the community. I hope we'll see you around the community commenting on some of the other posts here.

Local Performer

Hello, My name is Anna never knew there was a chat community in Pandora! Im from Orange County Ca. I love all music hard to pick a favorite. I switch it up depending what day it is. For example, I like to go back in time so on Saturdays its 70's and 80's music and on Sundays its Bille Holiday and all that jazz and so on. When I have dinners or parties people really compliment me on my chose of songs and music. I tend to go for the mood and create an ambience with the soul of music.  Thanks Pandora! 

Chart Topper

@Anna28 Hello Anna and welcome to the community. I listen to a variety of music as well. I've got music from the last 42 years from country to pop to rock and R&B. Everyday I listen to a different station until I've cycled through all my stations. 

Anyway, I hope we'll see you around the community commenting on some of the other posts here. Peace! ✌️


@Anna28 hello, and welcome to the Pandora community. Much like you I also love a wide variety of music. The only music that I don't listen to is rap or the majority of hip-hop. I have tried many times to gain a liking for it, but it just continues to elude my taste. 

If you are at all interested here are a couple of my favorite Playlists. Enjoy the music, and I hope to see around the community. 

MOHLovesAlaska Created Playlist

Love For 364 + One Valentines Day 

MOHLovesAlaska Alphabet Playlist 

Take care and stay safe. 


Local Performer

Dont cut it just because someone doesn't like it ! bullies !