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Tips on creating interesting community posts?

Opening Act

Does anyone have any ideas for my post to make it more interesting cause right know its looking 😒

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

1 Reply

@Sushilover563 creating a thread (post) could be about pretty much anything...What are your interests? What kind of music do you like? What are some of the places you have traveled or would like to travel? You could create posts about your favorite books you like to read and discuss why you like them and what they are about...I love reading and so do a few others here in the community...I curate This Day In The History Of Music, GSOTD (Genre Songs Of The Day), Weird and True Facts, A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day... @Sushilover563 you can create something similar to one of these or anything that interests you...People will respond...I hope this was helpful to you...

Take care and GOD bless...

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