I installed the Windows 10 version from the store. I am trying to configure my Wave keyboard to open Pandora when I hit the music key however I can't seem to locate where the executable is on my machine
Anyone can lend a hand?
mod edit: changed title for clarity
@sparker01915 I may be off base a little, but this is what I found. Get help with Windows 10 upgrade and installation errors (microsoft.com) it is very possible your windows may not have been installed correctly, and or it has errors from going through its up-dates, and or the up-dates have just not been completed. This is a possible solution, the other could be, and again I say could be, you need to update your driver or drivers for your device. If none of that is the issue or fix, try uninstalling your device then re-installing. But before you do the re-install make sure your windows are completely updated. I hope this is a help for you. Take care and stay safe.
P.S I almost forgot one other simple thing, sometimes just a simple restart after you do an install or a reinstall can be a solution as well. For example, when I have errors on my system I go to my C Command Prompt, and under Administrator, I type in SFC/scannow and it will fix my errors, I will not see the full results of the fix until I do a restart. Be safe.