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Ideas: Ability to change colors on Now Playing screen

Ideas: Ability to change colors on Now Playing screen

Diamond in the Rough
Status: Open Ideas

I’d like to have the ability to change the colors / skin on the now playing screen -- especially if the color is too bright or not to my liking. It would be nice if we could choose the color or have the option to let it change as we listen.

Local Performer

Honestly used it for years and darkmode should already be doing this. We should already be able to pick the now playing color this is just silly after so many years.

Local Performer

Please, please, please give me a way to mute the colors that continually change with the songs. I regularly have the pandora app playing on my tv. Lately, we've had to turn it off because the colors are so offensive they give me a headache. Please give us an option, at least, to turn off the constantly changing colors. Bring back the soft blue background. I have Pandora open to listen to the music, not see a light show.