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There is also a queue problem. When you are listening to a station and put a song in queue the qued song won't play. The que feature only seems to work when you play songs by thenselves or in a playlist, but never works when you listen to a station which is annoying. Spotify lets you que a song when you listen to station come on Pandora.
I'd like to be able to filter or sort my collection by genre. It's difficult for me to remember every artist's genre, so it's hard for me to find music that I've collected and haven't listened to for a long time.
The reason we can't have any of the legitimate sorting options that have been suggested over countless years through this forum appears to be due to the fact that the owners and software staff at Pandora simply don't care about listening to customer input At the very least it is ridiculous that songs in a particular playlist cannot be sorted alphabetically, The only solution is to simply not renew one's subscription when the time comes and sign up for Spotify, which has some of the additional sorting options that have been fruitlessly requested of Pandora. Get BlueMail <> for Desktop
I agree the sorting options are not the best shouldn't be hard to add an option to change the arrangement of ur library besides only be able to sort them by stations playlist songs albums and artists why not add alphabetical or dates added