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Please add a functionality to forcefully log out other users on my account. I've noticed that resetting the password doesn't always do the trick and I'll continue to get the "someone else listening" message.
I am closing my account because apparently someone else is listening to it (or Pandora *believes* someone else is listening to it, for some reason) so I can never listen to music without the same annoying message interrupting every 30 seconds. It is probably just running in the background on another device of mine, but I have no way of knowing.
SO is this actually happening because this **ahem** ruins my runs and if i can't control who is on my account, why am I paying????? Log out the other users or just cancel my account!
You can change your account password or contact support and have them manually wipe your password on all accounts which will allow you to log in and reset your password
Please allow us to manage our devices that are connected, and boot those that we no longer want to be authenticated. Also, give us the option to log out of devices that do not currently support it.