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AURORA WINDS by Andreuz - New Pandora Playlist


Andreuz is excited to have been accepted on Pandora Radio, Pandora AMP & Next Big Sound. A new AMP playlist program has been created for easy access. New programs for Andreuz will be added when upcoming albums are released.  Pandora's Artist Marketing Platform (AMP) is a great service for all genres of music artists! 

Andreuz is a new "Instrumental-Electronic-Rock" artist. He uses a unique blend of synthesizers, piano, percussion and bass lines to compose lush, high-contrast songs with an UPBEAT. A new flavor of Instrumental music that is different than traditional ambient music.

Give the album a listen and enjoy !  

Please use headphones  ๐ŸŽง  if you have a pair for a far better listening experience.

Listen to Playlist 


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