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Artist: Saint Asonia
Album: Introvert
Lyrics on all songs are only the first verse and then cut off
Note: This message has been Accepted as a Solution to flag the current steps and/or status of this thread. This post will be updated with more information as it is provided to the moderation team.
Pandora update - 02/04/25:
Hi, everyone!
If you have any specific tracks with incorrect lyrics you'd like to report, you can reply back to this thread with the:
Are you looking to report a different library issue you see in our catalog?
There isn't currently a way to report library errors directly from the app or website, however you can upvote this existing idea with a ❤️ to express your interest in getting it added to the service: Ideas: Ability to report catalog or bug issues through app
In the meantime, check out this thread for instructions on how to report separate library issues: How to flag/report library errors
Thanks for being a part of the community!
@Limpyjoe I have passed your feedback along to our curation team for further review.
Thank you for reporting!
Note: This message has been Accepted as a Solution to flag the current steps and/or status of this thread. This post will be updated with more information as it is provided to the moderation team.
Pandora update - 02/04/25:
Hi, everyone!
If you have any specific tracks with incorrect lyrics you'd like to report, you can reply back to this thread with the:
Are you looking to report a different library issue you see in our catalog?
There isn't currently a way to report library errors directly from the app or website, however you can upvote this existing idea with a ❤️ to express your interest in getting it added to the service: Ideas: Ability to report catalog or bug issues through app
In the meantime, check out this thread for instructions on how to report separate library issues: How to flag/report library errors
Thanks for being a part of the community!
So, I came back to submit more to the thread containing tons of incorrect lyrics issues a couple days ago, but found it now tells me "The content you're looking for has been archived..." & I wonder, "Where can I, if even possible, view archived content?" followed by, "If I can't, what's the point of telling me it's been archived? Is this just Pandora's way of sweeping this glaring issue that's seemingly been untouched under the rug & making it look new or less prevalent than it actually is??"
Also, do the Mods mark their answers as Solution, does it happen automatically, or are there actually users voting this way for things that are just instructions on how to submit feedback vs actual solutions? I notice this all the time & it seems like the default.🤔
@FrostLab While archived content cannot be viewed again, I can assure you all of your previous feedback has already been reported to our curation team.
Moving forward, if you see any other lyrics that are incorrect in our catalog, you can post them on this thread.
As far as solutions go, all users have the ability to mark a post a solution.
I hope this helps clarify.
@AdamPandora I appreciate your partial response.
As for clarity:
What helps😊:
What we already knew😐:
What's yet to be addressed⏱:
I hope this response/format doesn't come across as belligerent, but I wanted to call to light this issue that seems to be contributing to the forum dying: SO much of what is asked gets 'skirted around', if not left completely unanswered. This practice(which has plagued my experience here from the start since I rejoined within these last several years), combined with policies that severely limit user interaction with the forum here, have an extremely negative effect on user moral/motivation to be active in this community. I'd love to see it addressed & better communication striven for instead of hampered. This is part of my effort toward that end. If it is unacceptable, well, I think that'd be very sad indeed, but I don't know how else we can solve such issues than to do our part to bring it to light & talk about it. It is a forum after all.
Even so much as, "I cannot currently discus that issue openly" is better than completely ignoring the inquiry, ya know?