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I have over 100 stations but shuffle stations repeats the same stations and songs over and over. I have at least 20-25 stations that never, ever are selected by shuffle. I want more variety of songs and stations at random, not some underdeveloped algorithm.
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Exactly! Is the station randomization seed changed when a station is added to the shuffle ?
This does seem to remove the song from the shuffle, if you have listened to the that particular station alone first.
This is accurate also, however, I do not mind this as much as the problem as Pandora playing the same songs initially from each artist. Some artists have many great songs I am interested in. Many of those songs are "thumbed up" in the station, yet, I only hear the same few songs form that artist. Clearly, something is broken.
I absolutely agree with this assessment. This is why I pay for a music service. Sometimes, I need a particular genre of music, a single station, often I need a wide variety of the music I like, shuffle. I want to hear the songs that are played, it's just the next time I activate shuffle and it includes a previously included station, please re-seed the randomization so it will get deeper into that stations "thumbed up" and similar songs from those related artists. PRETTY PLEASE!
I 2nd, 3rd and 4th the previous posters.
When I start a shuffle session, even with new stations selected, what I get are the same songs from the same artists. i.e. If it plays Artist A, I get one of a few of the same songs from that artist. As it shuffles between stations, it continues to do the same thing for each station/artist, the same couple of songs from each artist. What is even more surprising is that even if I have songs thumbed up, even some songs that seed a station, seem to never play. They will play, occasionally if I am listening to the single station. It almost seems like the randomization “seed” for stations added to shuffle never changes and I can never get deep into any station while in shuffle mode. SERIOUSLY, please help. I also have tried the solutions recommended in this thread, they DO NOT work.
Any comments or suggestions?
Thanks and Kindest Regards!
Moderator Edit: Merged comments
I'm still not happy with shuffle. I have selected all stations, and readded all stations to shuffle, made no difference. During one session last week I not only turned down suggestions that were not only from the same artist, they were from the same album!
My stations have thousands of potential selections, yet Pandora repeats and repeats. It's getting very old.
This doesn't really help. I don't want to have to keep shelving songs that repeat everytime I start a station that I created. The whole point is to hear new songs, not the same ones over and over. Also, after several hours of play, the songs start to become nowhere near the genre I started with.
@AdamPandora I have no idea how you have not understood the message yet. The Shuffle feature in Pandora only plays the same songs over and over and over. I have playlists with over 300 songs in them and each one will overplay the same 20 or so songs. The shuffle algorithm needs to be reworked. This has been brought to your attention several times. What is Pandora doing to correct this issue?
Also, please do not reply back to me with some half-baked solution where I can do a million different things to "solve" the issue. Why don't YOU listen to any Pandora station, say Classic Rock radio, and tell me how repetitive it is. How many times will you hear Dire Straits "Money for Nothing"...many...
@User2013 I (and many others) have complained about this in the past they won't fix it. I paid for a year subscription and I am giving them that amount of time to fix it. I can not imagine the algorithm is the issue, it can't be that hard to make a shuffle algorithm. So what else could it be? My theory is that Pandora is paid, or pays a lower royalty to play certain songs. That is why you hear the same ones over and over. Sorry to rant but this situation infuriates me. Also, @AdamPandora is probably an AI Bot, ignore it, it won't solve anything. And yes, I did just realize I was trying to argue with it...
Moderator Edit: Format
Offering the "shuffle" feature should be considered false advertising. To shuffle is to randomize, not endlessly repeat.
"A certain amount of repetition"? Really? It's very, very repetitive and extremely annoying! Please fix it! I'm seriously considering looking for alternative that actually allows me to listen to music without hearing the same songs over and over again.
This problem still isn't solved and is extremely frustrating and annoying!
This is marked as a solution but it is not a solution. Please fix the algorithm so that we can get a variety of songs without hearing the same ones over and over again. Shuffle should do as the word implies, shuffle through stations randomly and select songs, randomly, from the available library. This isn't rocket science and yet Pandora still has yet to get it right.
Moderator Edit: Merged comments
I have been listening to Pandora since the beginning. At one point something changed in how music was plays randomly. On my fist account I have hundreds of stations and artists. And when suffling station I could go weeks without hearing the same song. Then all of a sudden my station suffle play become redundant. The same songs, the same artists, over and over and over. No variations. I wrote to pandora to ask why my station shuffle is now only play the same songs and same artists over and over. Never playing any new songs or artists. Pandora response was I have to delete all of the songs I had thumbed up. And change my stations by adding more artist to each station. At this point I had been listening to pandora for over 15 years and had 100's of thumped up songs. So I was willing to delete all of them. So i continued to listen to my stations shuffle play the same songs and artists over and over and over until I couldn't take it anymore. So I created a new premium account. In this account I created 100's of stations with the max amount of artists allowable. Then I started listening, and lowandbehold, new artists and new songs, I was extatic, finally truly random artists and songs. Also with this new account I refrain from thumb uping any songs. Then after about 2 weeks, once again same artists same songs over and over. Whatever algorithm ya'll are using has no idea what you paying customers want to hear. If I wanted to hear the exact same music and artists over and over I can listen to the radio. Why can't random shuffle of stations and artists be random? Why does this algorithm kick in and assume I want to hear the same music over and over again. Please, can we just have a station that plays every thing randomly. Or is this not doable because of some monetary reason, we are forced to listen to the same thing over and over again. I have a premium account so all I have to do is push play and different genres of music plays with different songs and different artists. Thanks Randall