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Good Day,
S.Soto Miopía (7 songs 2024) is listed under SSOTO. The artist S.Soto should have their own listing. When Searching SSOTO
the wrong logo or icon shows along with the unrelated album.
These are two different artists, completely unrelated.
Thanks for the assistance.
Same with
This is not SSOTO. This is S.Soto. #Library Error
Moderator Edit: Merged comments, Edited title for clarity
@rsgsoundman I've passed your feedback along to our curation team for further review.
Thank you for reporting!
@rsgsoundman I've passed your feedback along to our curation team for further review.
Thank you for reporting!
Hello, I recently noticed an Artist by the name "NoMana" is being played under a different artist "No Mana". Same name just a space between the No and Mana. Completely different genres. Pandora is listing the "NoMana" artist as "No Mana". Being completely different genres, its making it tough to listen to the station. Is there a way to correct this or a way I can prevent the unwanted albums playing in my Pandora? Thanks in advance!
Joe Jack
Hi @joejack5
Welcome to community!
Happy to let our curation team to know.
To confirm, the station you currently have 'No Mana Radio' is the correct artist? Could you take a screenshot of an example song that isn't correct so that I can include it in my report. Thank you!
Thank you for your prompt reply. I reached out to No Mana today to confirm the following albums that are being listed under his name are in fact not his work:
1. Pirates of Saltmarsh
2. Tales of Waterdeep
3. Echoes of Icewind Dale
4. Forgotten Realms
5. Tales of Bjarga
6. Vileborn Main Theme
7. Oppenheimer can you hear me?
8. Worm Ride
9. Dan Dan Lofi Dragon Ball Opening.
10. One Piece Lofi mix
11. Overtaken Lo FI One Piece
12. Ambient Naboo
13. Binks No Sake One Piece Lo Fi
14. We are One Piece Opening
15. A legend you Won't Believe
16. Jurassic World Europa
17. Lore is Magic
18. Storie Di Vapore
19. Divinity
20. Dracarys Lo-Fi (Mother of Dragons)
21. Sounds of Westeros
Below are some screenshots of the albums that are not the correct "No Mana".
@joejack5 Thanks for following up with that information.
I've passed your feedback along to our curation team so they can further investigate.
Thanks for reporting!