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Songs cutting off

Local Performer

I have recently moved my Pandora to my TV.  I'm wondering why every song cuts off before the end.

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2 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @Patski2498. 👋

Sorry to hear that you're having trouble listening from your TV. I moved your post over to the Other Devices section to keep the community space organized.

We'll need a bit more information about how you're listening in order to help. Could you share a bit more about what's happening?

  • What is the make and model of your TV?
  • Which cable / internet service provider do you use?
  • Have you received any error messages when the songs cut off? If so, what exactly does it say?

Let me know. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer
Your finally responding to my email 2 months later.  That's ridicules.  Obviously by now, its fixed.
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