This absurd request, for listeners to do Pandora's work for them, has been up for over a year. I've seen several responses and believe that Pandora has received enough responses to build a solution. In actuality, Pandora does not seem to care about the impact that it has on their listening audience. As a result, most of us non-Spanish speaking listeners get so frustrated that we turn off Pandora and move to one of the many other streaming services available. Spotify, Heart, Amazon...pick one. There's plenty. All of those services don't play annoying ads in languages I don't speak. Language preferences are built into devices and software all over the world. It's a standard practice - for everyone except Pandora. If Pandora doesn't care, then be honest. Say so. As I mentioned earlier, you have plenty of data sets by now to build a solution. Most coders could do this as a basic functionality. Do something for a change. In the meantime; The next time a Pandora ad plays on my account: I will switch to another streaming service and forget to try Pandora again for at least a week. I will never pay for Pandora while this continues to be a problem. All of your Spanish advertisers should be angry that your listening audience is only remembering their product in a negative way. Thus defeating the purpose of paying you for and advertisement. Thanks for working with us on this.
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