How do I change my personal “B” icon on iOS? I can change my name here, but I can’t upload an image to replace it. Thanks!🍻
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Hi @Jen_Leigh ,
Welcome to the Pandora Community! We're glad to have you here.
I moved your post over to this existing thread: How to add photo to Pandora account
That's correct, currently there's no way of changing your profile photo of Pandora at this time.
On the accepted solution for this thread you can find the link to the request post for this feature. If you'd like like to see it added to the service feel free to upvote it with a ❤️.
Hope this helps!
Can I change my profile picture=? =right now it's nothing
@8Devil6man2 I moved your post over to this existing thread: How to add photo to Pandora account
Check out the accepted solution for more information around this.
Hope this helps explain.
So here it is 4 years later and I’m wondering if this question has a resolution yet, because I haven’t found or read one yet!!!
SOOO, is there or isn’t there a way to add your own personal photo to your profile account ??????
Is there a way to post a picture of one’s self on one’s profile? If so… have does one go about doing so?
@CatR I moved your posts over to this existing thread: How to add photo to Pandora account
Check out the accepted solution for more information around this.
Hope this helps!
How do you change your profile picture on your here
@Andiequeen I moved your posts over to this existing thread: How to add photo to Pandora account
Check out the accepted solution for more information around this.
Thanks for being a part of the Community!
I'm a new user to Pandora Music,
I am more of a Spotify music person.
It was surprising to find out you can't really change your picture profile which really **ahem**, because it would make your account more personalized.
So Pandora, if you are reading this comment, please take my advice and add profile picture changing setting in your service.
Thank you, and have a great rest of your day.
Too many people were adding pictures of Donald Trump. Too funny!
this needs to be added cause I feel that all users should have this.
please add a way to make a pfp pls thanks pooks peace out
On the app there is a button to change your profile picture (attached screenshot), but when pressed it does nothing. On the community website it shows something similar (second screenshot), also does nothing. Is this feature broken for me or is it supposed to do nothing?
I also saw some people mentioning connecting a profile to a Facebook account? However there also seems to be no way to do that. I'm new here, and I'm just confused.
@Artifex I moved your post over to this existing thread: How to add photo to Pandora account
Check out the accepted solution for more information around this.
Hope this helps clarify.
No. You cannot add a photo.
I would really like to be able to put my picture on my radio station
Hi, @Paigelcross. 👋
I moved your post over to this existing thread: How to add photo to Pandora account
I'd love to see that option available too. Another community member created an idea for this feature here: Ideas: Ability to add profile picture
Feel free to upvote the existing idea by clicking on the 💙 icon next to the title of the suggestion.
Thank you for posting in the community space! 🎧
I like apples