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Android: Collected albums don't appear in Collection


I have a Pandora Premium Account and the Albums I've saved wont show on my Android cell ph.    They DO show and play fine on my PC.      I've gone into my phone's settings and cleared the cache but that didn't resolve the issue.   I'm thinking of uninstalling the Pandora App and re-installing and see if that helps.     I wonder if anyone knows the solution for this ?     Once upon a time,  they DID show in my phone but that was a long time ago,  now they dont.    My Collected Playlists will however show on my Cell.   Thanks

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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Hi @whycrywolf 

Did uninstalling and reinstalling help?

Is it all your collected albums or just recently added? If you're still having trouble, please try manually signing out and then back in again.


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