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Ad blocker notification with Pandora allow listed


Over the past couple of days Pandora keeps popping up stating I have ad blocker on. I do, but not for Pandora, its grayed out! Pandora is on the whitelist, the extension is added, but I'm still getting the notification and stoppage of Pandora. I have played Pandora everyday for years, I haven't changed anything, yet this week I keep getting this! 

I have checked Ad Blocker, I have checked the extensions, and again it is grayed out when I am running Pandora. I don't know what else to do, any help?

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity


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6 Replies


Hi @rochellenv 

Welcome to community!

What's the name of your ad blocker that you use? Do you use a network level ad blocker such as AdGuard Home, Pi-hole, or an eero router?

In the meantime try adding "" to an allow-list.

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It is literally called AdBlockSee Top Right SideSee Top Right Side with a red stop sign as the logo. I will try adding the other extension, thank you!

I added the link you sent me, and it just got stopped again. I'm telling you this is an issue with Pandora, because it has worked this way for years and now, every 30 mins I'm getting shut down and I didn't change anything! I need someone to help me or I will have to turn to YouTube. I listen to Pandora all day at work and I'm spending more time stopping and starting Pandora then working

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Hi @rochellenv  Can you share a screenshot of the error message you receive?


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Local Performer

Visit Pandora in an incognito window!

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Local Performer

I am having this same problem that just started in the last 2 weeks.  I have tried adding different URLs to whitelist Pandora, but to no avail.  As you can see from the screenshots, the AdBlock is green, meaning that it is not running on the site, yet I still get the popup about every 30 minutes.  Before, I could listen for hours before I received a popup asking if I was still listening.  This is very frustrating.PopupPopupURLs addedURLs added

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I have a case with Pandora, but as of yesterday, they aren't answering me. They wanted a screen shot of the error, I sent it to them and now crickets! I believe this is a Pandora issue, because nothing has changed on my side to cause the error! I hope they can resolve it, or I will have to move on to YouTube or some other program. Good Luck!

Hello! Well....they responded to me and basically they just said, CAN'T HELP YOU! See below! If this is how Pandora wants to take care of someone who has listen to them on a daily basis for years, then you all should move on to You Tube or any other program! These guys are unbelievable! I even sent them a screen shot of AdblockPlus white list, which they are on, so this is all Pandora! They want to push you to download the app, but as I told them several times, this a company computer and we are not allowed to download outside apps! Pandora - GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE!! If anyone else is having this issue, contact Pandora! If they get enough complaints, maybe they'll fix it!!


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