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Desktop App & Web: 'We can't load media right now' messaging

Local Performer

Have used Pandora App on Windows for a year without issue until yesterday when I received this error message: 

We're having trouble playing audio on this device.
We can't load media right now. This is commonly caused by overzealous ad blockers or privacy extensions. Please check that your browser extensions are not blocking our audio and refresh the page. If you continue to see this error you should contact support.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Pandora app which did not help. I tried playing Pandora in Chrome and it will play 2-3 songs before the same error message comes up.  I haven't installed or changed any settings recently on my PC.
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity
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5 Replies


Hi @rlodrinicts

Welcome to community!

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the desktop app and web. Checking your play history, I see that you've been listening on the desktop app this morning.

Are you still having trouble with the error message? Is this happening on a personal or work computer? Are you connected to a personal or work network?

Thanks for the help!

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Local Performer

Having the same problem.  It worked fine yesterday and today it can't load media.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @sman08. 👋

Sorry for any trouble you've run into. Could you share a few more details?

  • Are you using the Pandora Desktop App for MAC or Windows devices?
  • Have you noticed any error messages? If so, what exactly does it say?

In the meantime, please try running through the troubleshooting steps for your specific browser to see if it helps. 

Web Browser Troubleshooting:

You can also try using a different browser to determine whether the issue is browser-related. Let me know how it goes with your specific browser and whether you continue to have trouble. 


Pandora Desktop App Troubleshooting:

Let me know how it goes. 🎧


Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

I am getting this same error today.  Yesterday it was fine.  Using Windows on Chrome, not the app

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Hi @RoxyOneLuv , welcome to the community!

Thanks for telling us this. Can you please confirm if you have already tried the steps described here: 

Is this happening on other browsers too?

Let me know!

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