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Ideas: Ability to add profile picture

Ideas: Ability to add profile picture

Status: Open Ideas


Can you please add the ability to upload a photo directly to Pandora. I do not have a Facebook account and suspect that users may want to have a different pix in Facebook/Pandora/Gmail etc.



Labels (2)
Local Performer

Pandora needs to enable adding profile pictures on personal accounts.AGAIN!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@NicolasDeLima I moved your post over to this existing thread: Ideas: Ability to add profile picture

Make sure to upvote this Idea with a ❤️ if you'd like to see it added to the service as well.

Thanks for being a part of the Community!

Local Performer

Heck yessss!!! Please allow us to add our profile picture. Like someone stated in another comment, this is the only app, platform that does not let you add your own profile picture.... It's pretty lame!! 

It's so strange that, it's not a thing on here yet after all how long has Pandora been around now???!??? I mean come on now !!  Just do it already don't make us beg and keep ❤️'n posts. Pretty much every user is all for this and confused as to why you can't to begin with. 🙏✌️


Local Performer

It would be nice to add a profile pic since it shows the option to edit and add a photo.

Local Performer

How to change profile picture on here plesse? I'm new on here. 

Thanks and HAPPY holidays.,

Christy Gaspard

Local Performer

I would also like to be able to upload a picture to my profile on the app (android user here), just like how you can upload a picture to our community profile here online.

Opening Act

i have upgraded to opening act but no profile pic not there and the year dont match when i got on Pandora profile right 2006 not 17

Local Performer
I recently learned that PANDORA has eliminated that option, and there is NO
KNOWING if they will ever enable it gain or keep it the way it is.
SO TIRED of these apps doing what they please with the public.
Opening Act

i wont upgrade till i see what i wont so no money for Pandora


Local Performer
WUT wuuuuuuuTTTTT ???