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Ideas: Blocking / Muting Artists & Genres

Ideas: Blocking / Muting Artists & Genres

Opening Act
Status: Open Ideas

New Feature Idea: Create Rules about what bands you never want to hear.  If I select a Genre but there are certain bands I never want to hear, there should be a way to create a rule. i.e. I select the 70's Rock Genre but I never want to hear any music from Sting, Rush, Styx, Journey, Kiss, etc.  then allow me to create a rule eliminating them fron the selection algorithm.

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

Labels (1)
Local Performer

Goodbye, Pandora. I gave you as much more of a chance as I could. I can't pay you even one more payment for Premium, because you will just keep psychologically abusing me.

I shouldn't have to thumb down a bajillion songs by Stick Figure, and a bajillion songs by another artist I can't even bring myself to type the name of cause it triggers the PTSD that bad, and I shouldn't have to thumb down the SAME song by Stick Figure over and over and over and over and over again - on THE SAME STATION - to not have to see that song title again. It's not an artists fault if they unfortunately get associated with a horribly traumatic event or series of events, but the result is all the same for a person with severe PTSD, extreme pain and disgust and psychological hell that they shouldn't have to live through again, even if only in their own memories playing against their will on repeat, with no mercy, because of a stupid song your app couldn't encode as being thumbed down, even if it was thumbed down more than 4 times on the very same station.

I deleted the app today.

Goodbye, and I hope you figure out your **ahem** for other users with really bad PTSD, before your business goes down, or starts to lose enough money that you notice a big enough difference.


I certainly have sympathy for you and others. However, this may have been
one of the threads I initiated or commented on because of my own
frustration; that I was equally frustrated not obtaining any real solution
through our community. But wait.
That said, I managed to get relief from my own issues to effectively block
artists and their influence on my play list, as well as a cleansing of
those artists then polluting my genre. I think the issues boil down to
Pandora withholding the tools to correct a wide range of issues they can
and do quickly resolve once you reach someone. The communication between
customers and Pandora reminds me of Dorothy's frustration with the Wizard
of Oz.
I scrolled down to the typical "contact Pandora " at the bottom of the
page. I detailed my issues and requests and got a response and solution the
same day.

I was connected to a live conversation, yes live, with tech. Within a
short few minutes my issues were corrected. But I never got the 'how to'

Which socks. So my suggestion is to reach out ss I did, and like Dorothy
pester them. They do reply and will fix play list issues to the playlists
that we spend so much time building that makes for our love/hate with

Hope this helps.