Hi! I would like to add all the songs of a specific artist to an existing playlist that already has other songs on it.
I searched for how to do so and could find only one answer to this. Unfortunately, the instructions don't work:
- Search for the artist you want to add to your playlist
- Hover your mouse over the artist's name and select the ellipsis
- Select Add to Playlist
- Choose an existing playlist to add the song to
When I search for the artist whose songs I want to add to my playlist, it does come up with an ellipsis beside it, but when I select it, the only option is "Share," which wants to share the artist to Twitter.
I can't find a way on my Pandora premium app either (iPhone 13).
It would be nice to add all the artist's songs to an existing playlist in one fell swoop instead of manually having to add 60+ songs one by one. Does anyone know how?
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity