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I pay for premium family plan and would like to see this feature as well. When out running would like to zone out to albums and the skip can be jarring
Has there been any progress on developing a crossfade between songs so there is gapless audio between tracks? If not, is there a "like" threshold that the community must reach before this feature is developed/added?
I appreciate your time, and hope you have a great day!
This would be HUGE for the Pandora experience. Between songs, and especially channel switching. I just posted a similar request yesterday and was popping back in to check out if it gained any traction.
Alex_6 I guess it's worse than I thought. I just popped over here to the community to see if there was any info on why my stations list was about 1/4-1/3 of what it once was. I just saw your reply from a couple months ago on this topic, even though I had "email me when someone replies" selected. (also, I read your linked post on how it seems nothing is getting worked on/improved.) Sad. Disappointing, ect. I have talked up Pandora for YEARS to soooo many people, but I'm losing my enthusiasm quickly now. 10+ year subscriber.
I've given up on Pandora fixing or adding new features at all. The only reason I stay with them is the basic yearly membership fee is still less then Spotify.
If that ever changes then Pandora will be adiรณs...
My guess is that XM is trying to run Pandora into the ground in favor of their own app...I believe XM owns Pandora now.