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I'm about to follow suit with those who have solved this issue by switching to Spotify. And I'm not talking about the crossfade feature request, I'm talking about the issue of there being a gap of silence between tracks when listening to an album. Fixing that is not a feature request, it's a glaring deficiency that needs to be fixed. Is there any progress to report? Any hope at all of it getting fixed some time yet this decade?
I'm looking at you, Sirius. Seriously. How can such a fantastic thing like the Music Genome Project be THIS awfully delivered? I'm pondering options at this moment.
I've been holding on to this app for specific Pandora-related reasons that no other platform will ever be able to match, but the simple absence of gapless playback for so long, and no sign of implementing it soon, is purely exemplifying the ignorance commonly displayed towards artists and their creative expression. You will not find a music catalog on any other platform or service that knows the most about its own music based on the thumb-driven curation of ITS LISTENERS, not the big names with salaries to maintain, that choose what's related or available. In my life, Pandora is quickly racing back to "that one music service with the most aggravating advertisements and gets tucked away in the app drawer or browser bookmarks as a backup," or something resembling that.
literally need to hold back tears rn because of how deep that post I wrote even hit me. I know "it's an app," or "it's a website," but the app/site isn't the problem, and the app/site isn't what's causing tears.
Gapless playback option is definitely a must when listening to albums like Pink Floyd The Wall. Please implement this, most competitors have had this for a while. Thanks