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I would like to know if there is a way to upload my personal CD library to Pandora. The only application that I've found thus far where I can do this is via Apple Music (iTunes). I am able to do a mass my entire CD collection (120 GB stored on usb drive) upload to Apple Music within a short time. If there is a way to do this with Pandora, I would appreciate assistance with that.
Unless by upgrading to a Pandora subscription or upgrading the account you hold currently, I don't think it is possible. Pandora is random music mixed with your thumbs up favorites.
Personally, my Pandora activity would primarily be through my mobile device like my phone, that is to say I have not attempted to rip music from an album through a Pandora on a desktop, which is what I assume you are using with respect to the Apple iTunes I believe you mentioned, you have used previously.
Hello and thanks for your response. I am considering upgrading to a Pandora premium subscription but only if I am able to upload music that I have ripped from my cd's. My car radio has built in Pandora and it would be great if I could access my own cd library from the radio without having to use my android phone (via Apple Music).
Much and desparately needed. The ability to export a playlist would make editing and curating it so easy, if Pandora isn't willing to add features for it, would save a lot of software developement costs. But I feel Pandora is insecure with exporting playlists, making it easier for users to go to other platform, not realizing exporting and importing of playlists in a general consensus CSV format agreed upon by all the music platforms is a win-win for all the music platforms. Platforms should compete with presentation and product features, not the practice of maintaing a captive user base.
Additionally, all platforms maybe for songs should export only the origunal song title, not esoteric variations of it, so as easily identified when uploading a playlist, or maybe even better, record companies should generate master CSV playlists that customers or music platforms could use to make everything agrreable to all platforms and customers.
With master playlists, a website could be created with all those playlists, combining to a universal playlist, that customers could search and browse and create their own playlists to upload to platforms. The current method of creating and curating playlists is too time consuming for all parties involved. People generally know what they want to listen to on a regular basis, so make it easy for them to do that.
Much and desparately needed. The ability to export a playlist would make editing and curating it so easy, if Pandora isn't willing to add features for it, would save a lot of software developement costs. But I feel Pandora is insecure with exporting playlists, making it easier for users to go to other platform, not realizing exporting and importing of playlists in a general consensus CSV format agreed upon by all the music platforms is a win-win for all the music platforms. Platforms should compete with presentation and product features, not the practice of maintaing a captive user base.
Additionally, all platforms maybe for songs should export only the origunal song title, not esoteric variations of it, so as easily identified when uploading a playlist, or maybe even better, record companies should generate master CSV playlists that customers or music platforms could use to make everything agrreable to all platforms and customers.
With master playlists, a website could be created with all those playlists, combining to a universal playlist, that customers could search and browse and create their own playlists to upload to platforms. The current method of creating and curating playlists is too time consuming for all parties involved. People generally know what they want to listen to on a regular basis, so make it easy for them to do that.
Now that Stitcher is being shut down, they are suggesting that we export our list of shows from Stitcher and import them into Pandora, but, it is not possible to import Stitcher's opml file into Pandora. That stinks! Please allow us the ability to import our Stitcher opml file (and other platforms' exports) into Pandora. Thanks.
I have several older (late 90's early 00's) Christian rock bands on CDs. Either only some of their albums are on here or not at all in some cases. Is there a way to upload these albums so that everyone can enjoy them?