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Ideas: Playback end of year stats

Ideas: Playback end of year stats

Status: Open Ideas

Can we please get a wrapped feature like spotify? Such a cool feature almost makes it worth making the switch

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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Local Performer

I agree with what everyone is saying here. I am the only person I know outside of my immediate family that uses Pandora and I miss the year in review! I didn't feel as left out when there were literally *hundreds* of these reviews in my Instagram stories. I've been using Pandora since 2010 and really don't want to have to start over on a new platform but not having the year in a review is a real con for this platform. 

Local Performer

I posted on this forum last year, thinking of making the switch because of the lack of features such as playback/wrapped/year in review. I got my first wrapped from spotify and it was great, even offered exclusive merch from my favorite bands and artists. I haven't used my pandora since, but I still keep getting emails of other people replying to this thread. If you need a sign to make the switch - this is it. 

Spotify makes it pretty easy to add all the music you love, if that is a concern. 

Local Performer

Is there a way to see how many times I've listened to an album or how many hours ice spent on a station? 

Local Performer

Hey Pandora, what really is the decision to not maintain a feature that has become a cultural tradition?

This goes beyond Spotify. Social media sites provide a year in review in one way or another. Heck, even Steam is providing a year in review.

I have been paying for premium for a couple years now. I always say Pandora has the best algorithm for finding new music. The service started as a radio station and till this day even with premium I'm listening to a radio station 90% of the time.

The only non-obtuse reasons I can think of for not providing it; is to "distinguish" yourself from the other music services (which may be obtuse anyway). Or because of cost reduction polices

Available data shows that Pandora has been losing monthly listeners since 2016. But apparently revenue has been up in recent years. Please do not let shortsightedness be the unraveling that Pandora's recent success has been.

If adding this feature is too much of a cost burden with the additional resources required to maintain these database entries for each user than that indicates to me that Pandora is operating on a very tight budget or Sirius XM Holdings is being greedy/in dire straights.

Either way, not leaning into what has become a western world holiday tradition at this point is a mistake. Whats better than free advertising?

I wanted my friends to ask, "You not on spotify!?" and I would have said, "NO! I pay for Pandora Premium!"

Local Performer

They, for some reason, like the year recap dont really record metrics(My Hypothesis). I doubt its something they can just turn on too. I think infrastructure wise they reduced these capabilities. I think to save money, to be the cool edgy kid on the block that doesn't do that or because they are greedy.

Local Performer

It's extremely frustrating having to listen to the entire track again. Why aren't we able to rewind while the track is playing?

Local Performer

I just watched an awesome recap of my 10,900 minutes of music on YouTube Music. Please let me see my Pandora year stats! Thank you! I'm really excited! Really!

Diamond in the Rough

Don't hold your breath waiting on that Pandora no longer tells you your stats. Even the hours listened meter is broken.


I would definitely like this. Please add it. 

Opening Act

I receive notifications from the Pandora app based on my listening habits. Pandora has the data it needs for a year in review and currently uses it to stay in contact with listeners. We are only a few months from December. Please bring back the year end recaps.