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Ideas: Vintage ads for period based stations

Ideas: Vintage ads for period based stations

Status: Open Ideas

How nice would it be if timer period based playlists, such as, 'Billie Holiday Radio,' played, every so often, archived advertisements from the period their music is from.

With full sincerity, how nice would it be to have the playlist interrupted briefly with an AM radio ad from a paying sponsor who may have been in business at the time - and still is.  Examples at the top of my mind would be Whirlpool, GE, the domestic big three automakers, Kitchenaid, etc...  I think there's some billables there... just sayin'.

I'm just thinking that the experience would be nice enough for me to take the time to write this message during tax season (I'm a tax preparer working 10 hour days 'till April 15th) because the atmosphere it would produce would be immersive and desirable to anyone who might fancy it, or to anyone who might enjoy just 'living in' it.

P.S.  It would also be something that could set Pandora apart from competition.  ...yeah, I really want the period ads to play with period music when practical, so to speak.


Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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1 Comment
Status changed to: Open Ideas

Hi @MelaSteve!

Thanks for posting! What a great concept, I really like it. The status of your ideas has been updated to Open Ideas.

Thanks for stopping by!