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Friends Playlist Hidden?


So my friends playlist are all hidden now. We usually check each other's out to keep us up on the new music we all like, for some reason now if i go to a profile, all their playlist are gone and i can only see their stations?  Is this a Bug or did i miss some kind of update? I hope this is just a bug. 

3 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ChrissyMalmin Can you please send me a screenshot of what you are seeing as an example?

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

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So originally Pandora was not letting me see my friend's playlist, they were all gone..  And now I cant see the stations my friends are listening to.  What is with all the bugs? Did pandora have an upgrade or something because I do not enjoy all these changes? Is this permanent? Is pandora hiding stations now from others? Or is this another bug?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ChrissyMalmin One thing to note is that your friends will need to have their Pandora accounts set to Public in order for you to view their listening history.

If they recently switched over to Private, that would prevent you from seeing their stations.

I would check in with them to verify if they recently made that change.

If they are still set to Public, can you please send me a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Thanks for working with me on this. 

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