I've had a station for 10+ years at this point that I've trained to play irish drinking songs/Celtics music. It's my comfort station. Custom made, patiently trained with thumbs ups and thumbs downs. I like the familiar songs it's learned to play while still occasional adding new releases it discovers for me find.
Last night I turned that station on, and ALL it would play were Christmas songs. Yes, they were songs from holiday albums from the artists I've liked on that station, and at first I though, that's a neat feature to match the holidays on themed stations, but I personally, DO NOT LIKE CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!! Especially not when I'm turning on a station I've had for over 10 years that I expect to play the music I'm familiar with.
No big deal, I thought, I'll just have to thumb down a few holiday songs, the station will take the hint I don't want christmas music on it, and we'll be back to normal. ... That was 2 days ago, and over 50 THUMBED DOWN SONGS! Make it stop! I want my station back WITHOUT holiday music! How do I opt out of this?!
So far my only option has been to just listen to the station's playlist of all my thumbed up songs, which is a bandaid, but I want my station back to normal! Please give us and option to whole sale opt out of different holiday music/ any specific genres on a station!