Musicology - history/appreciation?
To Pandora: I listening to many of your tracks, often with a classical bent, we are frustrated with the sheer absence of any background info on the original composer/lyricist. 5he only info provided is on the current artist playing/singing the music. So, we have to separately Google who was the ORIGINAL source of the music? Why is not Pandora a source for this basic, musicology information??
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
@swenswede46 Can you please give me an example of a composer who is missing background info on their artist page?
Thanks for working with me on this.
To Pandora Re: Composer Credits?
Piano Guys Radio: Dallas String Quartet playing "Yesterday" with no
mention of composer Paul McCartney. Brooklyn Duo playing "Sound of
Silence" composed by Simon & Garfunkel. Just two examples.
So, if you want to learn more about a piece, all you get is info about the
specific artist singing or playing their version -- NOT the original
composer(s). Have to Google it. Seems odd to me, plus no proper credit
given to original composers.
Moderator Edit: Removed Personal Info
Thank you for sharing your feedback, @swenswede46.
I've passed this along to our curation team.
Hope we continue to see you around the community!