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Grace Digital: Error code 401 with Mondo Alto player

Local Performer

I got a new Grace Digital Mondo Alto player last week after searching for a replacement for my squeezebox when Logitech stopped supporting them. 

Setup was a breeze and it worked amazing with Pandora for about 4 days. Now when I try to play Pandora, it says, “Got a HTTP error from Pandora server: 401”.  Can anyone help?  I purchased this player specifically to stream Pandora on. Additional information: I am subscribed to Pandora Premium. 

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity and format

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Hi @K8CL8N 

Welcome to community!

I looked at your Pandora account and I see a new Grace Digital connection. Did reconnecting help resolve your issue?

If not, can you tell me a little more about your Grace Digital device:

  • Model number?
  • Model year?


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