When iTunes launched I joined.
I built many playlists.
One, my favorite, was ~1400 songs.
I listened to it all the time.
After about 1-2 years I noticed songs repeating.
It was much much more than coincidence.
I lived with it for many years but the repeats were too much.
I looked in the playlist and as I scrolled I noticed
high play counts (50+).
I sorted on play counts.
There were about 150+ songs at the end with zero play counts.
The top was populated with ~200 songs with very high play counts.
As a workaround I reset the first ~150 songs play counts to zero.
A poor workaround.
A deal breaker. I quit iTunes.
I subscribed to XM radio.
I had pressed all the buttons but one: Open Pandora Station
I pressed it and my life changed.
I've checked Pandora's shuffle.
It appears totally random except for one artist.
She has 12 songs and her album has been added
to most of my playlists.
During Pandora shuffle she is appearing more than expected.
Perhaps since she is in most of my playlists she will appear more often.
Thanks... Ken
Pandora's Shuffle Is Not Random!
When I first started listening to my playlists (Mac desktop, iOS) I traced the skips when on Shuffle.
They appeared totally random. Well, not so. I've been hearing repeats when coincidence can't explain it: Number of songs in playlist: 535
Ave duration of song: ~3 mins What is the probability a song will repeat in 4 hrs? My 75 yr brain is far from what it was in school. Well hear it goes.
# of songs played in 4 hrs: 80
The chance any song will be played in 4 hrs : 1 in 500
Chance played in 4 hrs 80/500
or 1 in 16.
Anyone: Please correct me. I can hear 5-10 repeats during 4 hours. Repeatably. I'm investigating what affect Collected songs play. Repeats include both Collected and non Collected song with a possible bias on Collected songs. But I feel there are other factors influencing the random selection. I would like to know, as I might be able to use that information to help me design my repeats.
Thanks... Ken
It's wrong.
Chance a song will be played in one hour: 20/500.
Once every 25 hours.
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity, format and merged posts
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