It did it yesterday on Pink Floyd Animals on tracks Dogs track 2, Pigs (Three Different Ones) track 3 and Sheep track 4. Then it did it on Porcupine Tree Anesthetize Live, Anesthetize track 4. You need to understand that it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the track but the length of the track. If the track is over 10 minutes long it's probably going to do it. Anywhere from around one third to one half of the track it will just start the track over. I then forward to the spot it did it and the rest of the track plays. If I don't do anything the song plays to that spot and starts over and it keeps doing it until I click on the time bar then the track plays to the end. It's hard to understand with as many people that are having the issue that you can't seem to get a handle on it. It's almost like you don't care. Another user responded to this email with the same complaint and they are now so frustrated that they are looking for a different service and I'm closer thatn I've ever been to switching as well. Please fix it!!
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