Hi all (especially Pandora Moderators and Community Managers, etc.), I wanted to come post a brief update now that it's been over 2 months since my original post and I have learned something new. First of all, I want to make sure that it is understood that the "solution" I marked does not mean that this issue is solved/resolved, but rather that having the engineering teams work on the problem is what is necessary to fix this problem. As I had stated in my second post (the one with screenshots), the fact that this happens on multiple platforms, including Pandora official apps, is a clear indication that the issue is a problem with Pandora and/or the Pandora API directly, which is something that only the Pandora software engineers can address. I perhaps should have made that more clear at the time that I did it. In other words, the necessary solution (something from the engineers) is what I was told was being worked on, and I marked the post where I was told that it was being worked on by the engineers as the "solution". Secondly, I have seen some Recently Played updates pushed to the various platforms that I use, but none of them have been a correct and accurate reflection of my actual use. Pandora Mobile App on Android is still the most up-to-date and accurate Recently Played list for me, while Alexa is still the least accurate (which is particularly annoying to me since Alexa is the one that I need to have be the *most* accurate and up-to-date), but the Pandora Website and Pandora Desktop App are somewhere in the middle. This makes it seem as though the problem is one of the frequency of updates and/or the data source that the updates are being pulled from. It seems as though the Recently Played lists are being pulled from *backup data* rather than the most recently available data. And while it is great that backups of such data are being kept, it definitely is not great that old data is being used by multiple Pandora platforms instead of the most recent and up-to-date data. All Pandora apps and platforms should be getting their data from the most up-to-date source, or they should be directly updating each other's source as well as their own, and that doesn't seem to be happening. Obviously, I don't have a detailed working knowledge of the Pandora network and data backends, but the behavior of the apps and platforms makes it appear as though Pandora maintains multiple datasets independently, and that those datasets do not correctly update one another, nor update in a timely manner. If that assessment is accurate, then the problems would be found in the backend code that deals with dataset updates. Maybe there is a very good reason why datasets for the various Pandora apps and platforms are maintained independently of one another, but if that's the case, then it makes it all the more important for the inter-platform updates to happen accurately and timely. Hopefully this additional information will be helpful to the engineers. Thanks.
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