When I listen to full albums using my android, the beginning of each track is cut off. I'm not hearing like the first 3 seconds of each track, which sometimes means that I don't hear opening notes. For instance, it totally ruins side 2 of Abbey Road where one track goes into the next without a pause. Super irritating. Anything I can do to fix that?
mod edit: changed title for clarity
Sorry to hear your tunes keep cutting off @currymmmm!
Please check your battery optimization settings and make sure that it's disable for Pandora. You can also find more info about battery optimization in this helpful article.
Something to note, when updating the OS on Android devices, the battery optimization on all apps may be automatically turned back on by default.
This can cause performance issues or interfere with playback when the app is backgrounded. Due to the sheer volume of Android devices, we are unable to provide step by step instructions for each and every device. I recommend looking up the steps to manage battery optimization for the specific make and model of your device and disable this for the Pandora app.
However, If you're still having trouble I would recommend trying out the basic / advanced troubleshooting steps for your Android device as well.
Hope this helps let me know how it goes!