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App Doesn't Automatically Go to Offline Mode


So maybe I am misunderstanding offline mode. 

I listen MANY hours while riding a motorcycle,  many times in the mountains where cell service is spotty at best. I ride in silence often with nothing more than a "no data connection" message. When the cell service returns, the playback starts again.

The app is set for offline but doesn't seem to be functioning as such. What's with THAT?  My wife is on her bike behind me and wants to upgrade for offline but I'm holding to see the solution to this. 


Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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2 Replies

@Travlin I have a Samsung Android Tablet, and for me to listen offline, for one you need to be sure the content that you want to listen to offline is already downloaded, that has to be done while still online. When I turn my wi-fi off my Pandora app will inform me (Listen Offline) I just click Ok. My Pandora app will also inform me (OFFLINE MODE) to return to listen online I just click the refresh symbol on the top of my screen. It will then inform me I'm back online. For you to get the best listening experience while riding, I would just keep your Pandora in the offline mode the whole time. Once you get to where you want to go, then I would switch it back to online mode. I hope this may be useful for you. If not, well I wish you the best in staying safe while riding. Take care and stay safe. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

@Travlin I moved your post over to the Android space.

To clarify, does that "no data connection" error message still pop up if you manually try and set the Pandora app to Offline Mode?

To listen offline from a mobile device:

  1. Tap the Profile tab and then the Settings gear in the top right corner.
  2. Toggle Offline Mode on.

Once Offline Mode has been enabled, you will see only the content in your collection that has been downloaded for offline listening.

If that error message continues to appear, please grab a screenshot and send it over in a reply to this message.

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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