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Re: How To Run In Background

Local Performer

I have 3 different android devices. Pandora opens in the background every time I start a device. It tells me someone else is listening and stops playing. 

How do I stop it from opening? 

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1 Reply


Hi @GenuineBoogie 

Welcome to community!

Happy to take a look for you. When you say Pandora is running in the background, do you mean you see a player notification on your Android screen? Could you please include a screenshot of the error message you see?

You can include that screenshot directly here on community. This is best done on a mobile or web browser. You will not be able to include screenshots/photos through the email notification you may receive.

Please note, if you're quickly switching from one device to another, you may receive this message by accident. In these cases, you can ignore the message.

Thanks for the help!

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