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Automotive - Android: Notification when connected with Bluetooth

Local Performer

My phone automatically connects to the Bluetooth of the head unit in my truck.  With this, all audio is pushed to the head unit.  Pandora will begin playing as normal and then it demands to connect to Bluetooth devices.  I say "demand" as there isn't an option to opt-out and the only "option" is to select the continue button.  I ignore it with the home button or other functions.  It already has access to what it needs as I'm already listening.  What exactly is being requested?

So, why does Pandora demand access to Bluetooth devices?  What other functions or data is it trying to pull?  How do I turn this off?

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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2 Replies

Local Performer

Pandora car apps no longer work. Looks like its been a problem since last year. There's a pinned post about this but no new info this year.

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Hi @YouEatLard - welcome to community!

Do you mean this notification:

ANDBT - Notification.png








If not, can you share a screenshot or picture of the notification you see? You can attach the picture in your post directly on community. 


If it is the above notification, I would check to see if you have the feature Enable Launch from Car setting turned on. Enabling the Launch from car setting will prompt a notification from Pandora that will appear any time you connect to any Bluetooth device, since Pandora cannot distinguish between vehicles and other Bluetooth devices. The notification is required by your Android device.

You can disable the Launch from car setting, but you'll have to launch Pandora on your phone before connecting to your vehicle, otherwise it won't connect properly

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