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Subaru: Album art and playback controls no longer appear

Local Performer

I used to get an image of the song, arias, album art, and the option to skip the song from my steering wheel. This is no longer displaying on my head unit for my Subaru Forester 2017. I tried removing the Bluetooth device for my Subaru and then reconnecting. I've tried multiple different times. It's still an issue.

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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Hi @BCLK22 - welcome to community! 👋

I took a look at the Pandora account that is associated with your community profile. It looks like this account was created recently and there are no stations or devices associated with it.

Do you have another Pandora account under a different email address you may have used in the past? If so, let me know and I'll message you privately to gather additional info - please don't post email addresses publicly. 

Can you also tell me a little more about your Subaru and phone?

  1. What is the model and year of your Subaru?
    1. If you're using an aftermarket stereo, what is the make and model of that device?
  2. What is the make and model of your phone?
  3. Can you let me know the Pandora app version (let me know if you need help finding that)?
  4. Is your vehicle equipped with Android Auto or Apple CarPlay?

Let me know.

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