I'm just curious exactly how Pandora works. Specifically, in the car. My question is, how does a song that was playing when you shut off and leave the car, continue to play when you get back in and start the car. Does the Pandora app in your phone, pre-load (download) each song to your phone before it plays? I have a specific reason why I ask and will elaborate more on this once the intial question is
mod edit: changing title for clarity
Hi @justjoe6453 thanks for posting to community!
Pandora will typically pause when it disconnects from Bluetooth and once connected, if the app is still open in the background, it will continue to play where they left off.
OK thanks, I think I understand how it works in regard to my question. This was a first step in trying to solve a problem that I'm pretty sure is not with Pandora. Can you, or anyone in the community, tell me if Pandora only works properly when connected to a vehicle via Bluetooth? Or, should it work just as well when connected to the vehicle via a USB connection. I'm asking as my new vehicle this is supposed to be the case but when connected via USB, it skips very often. I fully understand this is not a problem with Pandora, I would just like to eliminate different possibilities before making any judgement about the new vehicle and what it is supposed to be capable of. I also understand this may be too technical of a question to have someone answer it definitively. So, to make it clear what I'm asking, can Pandora connect with a vehicle just as well via USB port as with Bluetooth? No worries if this can't be answered.
Thanks again
@justjoe6453 It should work just the same, whether it's connected via Bluetooth or USB.
Could you provide the following information so I can investigate?
Let me know.
Use your mobile device only when conditions allow and as permitted by applicable law.
Thanks so much for helping me with this. I just purchased a 2020 Nissan Rouge. Yes, it is equipped with and compatible with Android Auto. My phone is the original Google Pixel XL. Which makes it about 4 years old but I am running Android 10. It looks like the version of Pandora is 2002.2. As far as the skipping goes. I'm not positive if it's only in the car or does it on other Bluetooth devices. But as far as in the car goes, I think it's always done it. I'm talking connected via Bluetooth. I've only had the new vehicle a couple weeks. Anyway, it seems like it skips maybe once, every 20 minutes or so. That's nothing. What is happening now, only when plugged into the USB port and on Android Auto, is this. When first getting in and getting connected, the first song plays just fine. After that first song, the second seems to always start off with a skip, then several during the song. From there it's a **ahem** shoot as to whether or not it will get through a song without skipping. I am using the quality USB cable that came with the phone. If comes down to the phone is the likely culprit I'll have to live with it for a while. Just recently had the battery replaced because I really like the phone.
Thanks again,
TannerPandora, Were you able to come up with any conclusions based on the answers I gave to your questions? Is the version of Pandora I have up to date? 2002.2 Anything more you can add would be appreciated.
Hi @justjoe6453 - thanks for the info. I'd like to try some basic troubleshooting for your Pixel to start off with.
Keep in mind that the steps for each Android device is slightly different. For your Pixel, you can find helpful steps here.
You will be asked to log into your account after completing these steps.
Let me know if you run into trouble.
*Please note: Pandora Premium and Premium Family listeners may need to re-download some of their offline content after this. Pandora Plus users, however, should receive that offline content again automatically. If you have any trouble with your offline stations after this, please let us know.
Hello Tanner,
Meant to get back to you about this. I tried everything you suggested and then some but still having the same issues when connected to my vehicle using Android Auto. First song when starting plays just fine. Then every song after is skip city. It acts this way, every time. It may be my phone or possibly the version of Android Auto I'm running. I downloaded that to my phone a few years ago. I was going to try and uninstall it, then reinstall it, but some update most have made it a permanent app on my phone. I the google pixels come with it preinstalled now. My personal is that Nissan didn't put much effort into making their audio systems compatible with Android Auto. At least not as much as Apple product which have been compatible with Nissan vehicles for several years. One thing that could have solved this problem is not locking out Bluetooth when connected to the USB port, which it does. If it didn't, I could have my phones navigation displayed on the vehicles LCD display but still listen to Pandora through Bluetooth.
At any-rate, I'll take this up further with Nissan at some point. Thanks for your help.