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Combined subscription for Pandora + SiriusXM

Opening Act

I’m curious if there are others out there who would be interested in some sort of a combined subscription for Pandora and Sirius? I’ve been a user of both for years and since they merged, I’ve been following any and all updates to both services. (Yes this account shows I’ve been a member less than a year but I have used Pandora for more than 15 years. I created a new account last year because I wanted to reset my algorithm/preferences.) I’m not sure what the price point would be that people would find valuable but I was curious if that sounded like a good idea to anyone else.


mod edit: changed title for clarity + format

1 Reply

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @NikkiW. 👋

Nice to see you around the community space.

At this time, we don't offer a combined subscription for Pandora and SiriusXM. Another community member created this existing idea: Ideas: SiriusXM and Pandora Combined Subscription

If you haven't already, I would recommend upvoting the idea by clicking on the 💙 icon next to the title and leaving a comment. For more information about how ideas work on the Pandora Community, check out: Ideas Policy + FAQs

Hope to see you around more often. Thank you for your continued support! 

Alyssa | Community Manager
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