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Community Members Metric

Local Performer

Home page metric -- maybe I am not wrong.... Pandora is a has been.

220978 members
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2 Replies

Chart Topper

@billymontrose I believe your information is incorrect. I just Googled it. As of February of this year Pandora has 52.3 million users. This is down from 58.9 million users the previous year. So while Pandora may have seen a significant drop from last year, they are still going strong.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @billymontrose. 👋

At this time, we have 220,994 members of the Pandora Community. Currently, Pandora has over 50 million active monthly users. 

We're happy to have you as a member of the community. If you haven't already, feel free to introduce yourself to the community here: Introduce Yourself 

Hope to see you around the community space more often. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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