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I Need A Song

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Hey everyone! I need a quick favor from you all. Would you mind recommending me a song that I can sing for my school talent show. i've been trying to choose one  for days but ive had no success.  i've even went all out and  written my own song but I don't feel quite confident in singing it. And I now have two days to make a submission (this Thursday and Friday).  I need a song thats school appropriate and something that could help me at least give something that everyone can enjoy. 

15 Replies

@Listener001  good day to you. Is there a theme for this event?? Or is it something that is just random?? Hope to see your reply back soon. Take care and stay safe.  


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@MOHLovesAlaska  hi! No there is no theme for this event.  

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@MOHLovesAlaska  do you have any suggestions ?

@Listener001  obviously you have a great voice, to be able to sing in front of a crowd not only just takes great courage, but also talent. Having said that, please allow me to ask you this question. What artist, and song are you good singing along with? That is the very song I myself would choose for this event. I also want to add this as well, you previously stated in your original post, "I've even went all out and  written my own song but I don't feel quite confident in singing it".

Why do you feel your not good enough to sing your own original?? Never underestimate your own abilities. Sometimes the greatest song comes from out of nowhere. The song Faithfully by Journey was written on the Bands bus as they were heading to do a concert right here in go olรฉ Up-State N.Y. It was written on a napkin. 

If you still want my help, other than what I just tried to give, then I will happily try to help you find something different. Take care and stay safe.  


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Bro it makes me so like idk how to describe it um emotional. Thats kinda like the first time someone has ever used my own um words to encourage me to do something i want to do. I myself consider writing as a hobby of mine i wouldnt say im good at it but at the least all i truly know is that i am creative  because i have the ability to write something in a day. But what i'm afraid of is that  i want to express my creativity in a way where it wont be forgotten. And i worry if i do will people understand it or will they just push it away. I'm afraid it may be a one and done thing and i may never do it again.But your words have given me a bit more confidence. So imma give it a chance. i'm usually not afraid of failure at times but along with this current feeling of failure im also afraid of being forgotten or misunderstood.   ill do it though and ill check out the song you mentioned


Diamond in the Rough this a good song @Listener001 

Take Care. Epik Table Flip (หšร•หš)ุฑ ~~~~โ•šโ•ฉโ•ฉโ•

@Listener001 , I would rather fail at something knowing I at least tried. If one does not try for the fear of failing, then one has already failed by never trying. I'm very happy to see you are going with your original song. You will not ever regret you did.

We all have our own regrets as life goes on. This is one time in your life you will not regret. You will do great. You have two day's to practice, I wish you the very best in your performance. You have nothing to worry about. Just remember, your on that stage to sing, because YOUR GOOD ENOUGH. You take care and stay safe.


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i did it last night at 5:30 pm i did it in one take once i convert the video into an mp3 i may send it too you thank you so much 

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oh this is a beautiful song. i'm surprised i've never heard of this song before. Thank you. How did u find this song?

@Listener001  I think today is your big day. You will be great. Take care and stay safe. 


Diamond in the Rough

well good luck!

Take Care. Epik Table Flip (หšร•หš)ุฑ ~~~~โ•šโ•ฉโ•ฉโ•

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ive sent it too you tbh i wouldnt expect much its pretty basic

@Listener001 thank you, I know I will enjoy it. You have nothing to worry about or fret about. You will be great. Take care and stay safe.  


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well ive got to go for the weekend good bye everyone ill be back on monday

@Listener001 , you sounded great, there was not one thing that was basic about it. You will do great. Take care and stay safe. 
