ive been through a lot lately and i need some cheering up ive been fighting smiling depression i fake a smile too much and non of them are real and my parents have been somewhat rude and it truly hurts if someone could just say something id like it im on edge rn so its a good time to ask
@bakubroo I first want to say, I'm sorry for the troubles you are going through right now. I know parents can seem insensitive to our feelings as well as the troubles that we face. They sometimes respond "What troubles could you possibly be facing at your age?" Parents often forget what it was like growing up. Don't be too harsh towards them. Sometimes the best approach to take when wanting to talk to your parents, you first need to wait until one of them is by themself, you have fewer distractions and you have a much greater chance of getting their undivided attention. Once you pour out your heart to them, they will in return discuss your problem with your other parent. I have found this approach to be more successful for me when I needed to have a serious talk with my parents. Your parents care about your well-being, and your emotional state, just be sincere as well as honest to them about your feelings. They will listen.
I hope you get through the trial you are going through right now. I wish you the best. You take care and stay safe as well.
thank you this.... helped a lot
@bakubroo I know a lil about the depression fight without a support system. This is the time to be a selfish for yourself. I dont know your situation, but I dug deep and went to my 3 favorite things to do....and did them, often. I think you'll find your parent will come around, maybe you have to find a different way to explain what you're going through, they are family, they are the best support system we have, ya just gotta find the way to get them on board. Just dont forget to take care of yourself, be selfish for a bit. You got this!!!
I agree with what MOHLovesAlaska. You should talk individually to them. Try your mother first. But I would also encourage you to reach out to a friend. Don't go through depression alone. Opening up is always better than keeping your depression locked inside you.
And this is why I started "A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day" post. You just never know who truly does need it, including myself dear friend.
Have a great Wednesday dear friend, take care and stay safe.