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Introduce Yourself


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Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!


We'd also like to take this time to hear from you! Share a picture of yourself below (if you feel comfortable doing so) and add the following so we have a better understanding of who you are:


  • Name?
  • Where you're from?
  • What your favorite genre of music is?
  • What you're currently listening to?
  • A favorite feature of the Pandora service?


We hope to hear from many of you and hope that your Pandora Community experience is a memorable one. 🎧

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1,331 Replies

Local Performer

<top> how do we social chart on this Pandora app?

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0 Kudos

Local Performer
I am joe justvreally like music would be a brutal existence without it


Welcome to the Pandora Community @Stryker614 ! Glad to have you here!

Totally true, music makes everything better.

Please feel free to share any thoughts about your favourite artists/songs or to ask any questions about Pandora

We'll be happy to read you!


Hi @HopeOkoronkwo. Welcome to our Community!

Can't wait to see more of your suggestions.

Feel free to post about your likes or if you have any issue, we'll be happy to read you!

Local Performer

53c4dc6b-0882-4852-959c-284bfc495486-1_all_3168.jpgHey y'all, my name is Katie, I'm Married, with 3 kiddos and from Mechanicsburg,OH. I honestly love all Genres of music, well all but the death metal that I can never seem to understand what they're saying, just sounds like screaming and roaring 😆 lol. I mostly stay on my Thumbprint Radio tab unless my mood says otherwise bc it gives me all genres of music.

@KPRIEST_89 Nice intro, knowing how you like all kinds of genres try giving this playlist an ear...

download.jpg Created Playlist by MOHLovesAlaska this playlist is just north of 1900 songs...I do hope you enjoy it...

Take care and GOD bless...


Local Performer

Hello everyone! Im new to the community. Im a hip hop artist in my spare time and full time music lover! If you're into 90's-00's style hip hop, check me out Wreckless 610!

  • Name?  Ron
  • Where you're from? Norristown PA (Philadephia suburb)
  • What your favorite genre of music is? Rap, hip hop, pop R&B, Raggae/Dancehall
  • What you're currently listening to? Nas
  • A favorite feature of the Pandora service? The music modes! I just go to a station and listen for hours!
Wreckless 610

Local Performer

ShawnDon Damarko.png

 konrad red by ShawnDon Damarko 

Moderator Edit: Link sharing

Opening Act

Hello, everyone. My name is Diana. I just got up here. Don't really know what to post. I love the color purple and reading. You know,I also like drawing flowers. I'm glad that I'm stumbled across this Pandora community chat so I can like Express my ideas about music and maybe just other things to people 

@Sushilover563 it is great to have you as part of the @Pandora community...My name is Matt and I have been here since the start of my premium subscription since 10/2019...Here is a playlist I think you may find enjoyable...

download.jpg MOHLovesAlaska Created Playlist this playlist is just north of 1,900 songs...I hope you like some of the music...

Take care and GOD bless...

0 Kudos

Opening Act

Hello, everyone. You may not know me, but my name is Diana. You have probably seen the name sushi lover 563 post. On random things at first I didn't know how this thing works o or what kind of things we've pulled up there, but I got the help from moh loves Alaska and Alyssa Pandora, those are the ones who help me know what to do. And what kinds of thing to post now I have more views not as much likes but I am getting there.  I would definitely recommend those people. If you're thinking about starting your own little chat, I'm trying to get the same or almost the same amount as likes and followers that they have. But now I'm at a bare minimum. That's good enough for me. At least someone is actually clicking on it. Taking up their time just to see what I have posted. I've been trying to post relatible things by browsing or what other people post and make something similar to I'm from atlanta georgia.@Sushilover563 


Hi @Sushilover563 , @Wreckless610  glad to see you both around!


Ron, thanks for sharing your profile, we're glad to see artists here too. 🎶

Hope to see more about you!


Diana, I'm happy to read that you are starting to get more accounted with our community! 

Please feel free to share your ideas and thoughts with us.