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Remastered Songs


Why is Pandora using so many "remastered" songs? Most sound like garbage, not true to original and you can't even recognize half of them? Are they cheaper for Pandora? I'm ready to dump Pandora & go back to Sirius


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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8 Replies

On the Rise

I definitely do my best to try and help but sometimes the complaints make no sense.  So I will try to patiently work through this. 1. Availability: The availability of song and whether it’s a remastered version or an original is based on what the record company makes available not on the streaming service sinister decision to keep you from hearing the original. You can go from music streaming service to music streaming service, many times the only available version is the remastered version, the original is gone. That isn’t some plot by the streaming service to keep you from the original so you will be upset. It’s a decision made by the record company, they pulled the original and made the remastered version available.  2. Sound quality, if sound quality is that important to you, why would you be using Pandora or Sirius XM?  Neither offer lossless audio. Try Tidal, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music etc. Now be prepared, you will get the remastered versions time and time again. 3. How can you not recognize the remastered version over the original, at worse it may be brickwalled but it’s not like you can’t recognize the song. In the case of brickwalling, it’s just too loud and dynamic range is loss due to compression. You can recognize the song. There are many times the remastered version dramatically improves the album sound, there are list online of some of the best remastered albums. One last thing , telling Pandora you are going to dump them to go to Sirius, is like telling them you are leaving as you walk right back in. It’s the same company, lol 


Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me. Is Pandora and Sirius really one and the same company? To me, one of the best things about the older music is bringing back the memories of when it used to play regularly on the radio, or whatever device you used at the time. Messing with the songs, even by a few notes, messes with my memories and recollection of the original. Frankly, to me, I have yet to hear a remastered version that sounds better than any original. 

I suppose if I want the original songs with all their inherent pops and hisses, i'll need to go back in time and make today's versions of mix tapes on thumb drives, backups and SD cards. 


Just wanted to leave my feedback somewhere. I really hate listening to an old station and a classic song I love is replaced by a remastered version. I don't want new versions of already good music. This has been me complaining thank you. 

Local Performer

I love pandora app it's great 😃


@loveyourbody49  Wow! Your reply is so insightful and on topic. I never considered things like that, you've given me a whole new perspective! Really, thanks for your input

Agreed!! Clearly, these 'remasters' don't have the skillsets to write their own music so they screw with someone else's whose copyright ran out.


On the Rise

What are you talking about ? Your comment is just completely false and has nothing to do with a remastered version of a song or album.  A remastered version is simply an album that has gone through a process to change the audio quality of an album. It has noting to do with someone screwing with someone else’s music because they can’t write  their own. Remastered versions are done by the record company and many cases the band is very much involved in the process. Great example of this would be the remastered catalog of all the Iron Maiden albums. The band was involved and talked about the process many times. No copyright ran out, it’s the people who own the copyright who is remastering it. Music copyright last like 120 years, you can read an article called Music Law 101.  It seems many people in this thread don’t understand what a remastered version is.  Complaining is perfectly ok, complaining about something you don’t understand or are completely misrepresenting, isn’t really ok 

Local Performer

It makes me so sad to hear remastered songs that sound so different than the original.  Just heard The Cyrcle Red Rubber Ball and it wasn't even them.  Why, why, why.  

I know why cause I read the explanation, but it still hurts 😞