I was just curious about the reasons people chose this app over others? My reason was price.
@pr2 started out with Spotify, but your right, when I seen the price for Pandora, along with the music selection (just about the same). I decided to drop Spotify and go with Pandora, I've not looked back since. That was about 14 months ago.
Hope to see you around the community more, have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and safe New Year. Take care and stay safe.
Hello pr2,
Free is hard to beat. The cost was not a big deciding factor for me though. There are several of services for free.
I was with one of those, don't know if I can say which one. I switched because of the almost constant stings of commercials & it buffered a lot. My husband got Pandora with one of his devices. He never had the buffering I did.
Have a good one!
Mine was for creating stations & hopefully streaming w/o commercials since I family upgraded after marrying.
I've had Pandora on and off since the beginning (on and off as in free vs. paid). My account predates Spotify's availability in the US. I have both because they fill different needs. I listen to Spotify in the car and Pandora at work - even now that I've been WFH since March. I like that it has my weird playlists for dealing with work that I made back in 2011.