Ever since Pandora Stories launched in 2019, select verified artists like John Mayer, Maren Morris, Chris Isaak, and Lance Allen, as well as verified labels like Smithsonian Folkways, Sub Pop, Yep Roc and Hollywood Records, have all been using AMP’s Pandora Stories, to craft hosted playlists and mixtapes on Pandora.

Pandora Stories have quickly become one of the most popular tools in our AMP creator toolset. Whether promoting a new release or guiding fans through your catalog, Pandora Stories are a unique and highly personal way to engage with listeners and personalize your music by sharing anecdotes about your music and telling those stories in your own voice.
Today, we’re opening up these powerful curation tools so that all verified artist profiles in AMP will have access to Pandora Stories and the ability to curate playlists and mixtapes, with the option of adding a voice component to both listener formats – giving more meaning, heart, and insight into your fans' favorite music.
Whether you choose to make a playlist (a sequenced mix) or a mixtape (a shuffled, radio-like lean-back experience), both allow you to craft unique programs to share with your fans. What was it like recording your most recent record? What artists have influenced your sound the most? Who are some of your current favorite artists? In addition to your own music, Pandora Stories gives you access to all of the music on Pandora, and allows you the creativity and freedom to build and share whatever kind of program you can dream up.
In addition to having the Programs tab available in every artist’s AMP profile, which is where Pandora Stories are created, these programs will also be visible to listeners in a new dedicated section of each artist’s page on Pandora:

Within AMP, artists will be able to view in-depth performance metrics (top-level and track-level) for each and every program they create.
“We use Pandora Stories for our artists who want to give fans a deeper look into their work and build up that personal connection. Whether it's a specially curated playlist for current favorites or a track-by-track commentary on their latest release, we love that we can give artists the freedom to elaborate on their art however they please and speak directly to their fanbase.” - Diana Buchert, Nettwerk Music Group
Since the launch of Pandora Stories, artists and labels have created tens of thousands of programs, resulting in nearly TWO BILLION spins!
Check out some of our favorite Pandora Stories of the past below:
Visit AMP today to create your own Pandora Stories for your listeners to enjoy. We’re excited to see what you’ll come up with!
Thank you so much for being a part of our Pandora AMP community.